Railroad Street

South Berkshire Community Health Coalition (SBCHC)

South Berkshire Community Health Coalition consists of a wide range of organizations, schools, students, businesses, and individuals working to implement evidence-based strategies for a community-wide approach to reducing risk factors and enhancing protective factors that enhance mental health and reduce the high rates of alcohol and drug use among South County teens.

Together our goal is to find ways for existing organizations to improve their capacity to reduce substance use and misuse; enlist a broader spectrum of the community to engage in that task; and improve coordination between youth-serving organizations, while engaging young people to help influence decision-making.

You can view our “Talking to Teens” series here!

Kitchen Table Talks (KTT) 

The Southern Berkshire Community Health Coalition (SBCHC) developed a pro-social and preventative model called "Kitchen Table Talks," where a parent/caregiver can be trained to facilitate an intimate discussion within their parent friend group designed to help navigate and problem solve issues related to substance use and misuse with their children. 

Here is the link to sign up for a training to become a KTT facilitator and support your friends and family is showing up authentically with the youth in their lives as they navigate difficult decisions. Trainings will be available periodically depending on demand.

Want to see an example of our process? Interested in hosting a Kitchen Table Talk at your home? This is a video of a mock KTT here

Restorative Prevention Fellowship

The RP fellowship is an independent opportunity with Railroad Street Youth Project (RSYP) and South Berkshire Community Health Coalition (SBCHC). This fellowship offers an academic 5-month funded opportunity for high school students in southern Berkshire County to develop a public health project. Public health is based on the health and wellbeing of your peers and community. Fellows may tackle topics that aim to educate and support 1.) youth substance use prevention in South County, 2.) addresses equity and social justice, and finally 3.) be linked to an RSYP program. RSYP programs range from mentorship, the Youth Operational Board (YOB), apprenticeships and advocacy. 

Definitions: “Fellowship” as a funded, learning opportunity; “Restorative” as in having the ability to restore health, strength, or a feeling of well-being, and; “Prevention” as in any action taken to keep people healthy and prevent or avoid risk of poor health.

Eligibility: Mt. Everett and Monument Mountain high school students. Strong candidates will have flexible schedules and be able to commit to their project from February to June 2024. The selected fellow must meet weekly for an hour with the SBCHC Coordinator and attend two, hour-long Youth Operational Board (YOB) meetings each month on Tuesdays at 4pm. 

Documents required: Complete application, and 1 recommendation (from mentor, teacher, co-worker, or caregiver).

Stipend amount$1000 per fellow, $500 halfway and $500 at the end of the fellowship. 

To apply for the scholarship, follow this link

ICYM: view recordings of our Parent Education Forums Below.

  • View the recording at this link. 

This virtual talk with Jeff Foote, PhD and Co-Founder of the Center for Motivation and Change CMC: Berkshires was recorded on January 25, 2021. Learn how to best help loved ones who may be struggling with substance use.

  • View the recording at the link. 

Youth Depression and anxiety are very common. In fact, 50% of Southern Berkshire County 8th-12th graders report experiencing depressive symptoms (2019, Prevention Needs Assessment). 1 in 3 adolescents nationally experience anxiety. This presentation with Kelly Heck, MSW, LICSW, and Iona Smith, M. Ed., offers information and tools to helpful information.